When I was younger we always went to my grandma's house for Thanksgiving with the whole extended family. We all lived right around Salt Lake City, so it was easy to get together. Today many families are spread out with much distance in between. So we create families and even though they are sometimes not related they feel very much like a family. It is amazing how contagious thankfulness can be. As you seek to appreciate those around you, your opportunities, and those you love, thankfulness grows.
I hope at this time our thankfulness for the patrons of our dance studio feel how much they mean to us and what they have brought to our studio. We are thankful for each of the students we get the opportunity to interact with, the teachers who share their talents, and the chance to provide you with quality dance instruction. So thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Items coming up:
We have added an Acro class, which is just phenomenal. If you have not thought about having your child add this to their dance skills, come take a trial class and see if it is something you might like to do.
The studio will be closed November 22 - November 27 for the week of Thanksgiving. We will be back at the studio November 28 ready to get back to dancing. Enjoy your turkey, stuffing and pies, especially the pies!
We have a Christmas package, a cute bag with a pair of tights, a pair of ballet shoes and a certificate for a month of dance for $60. This is for new students ONLY, so if you know someone who might love the gift of dance for Christmas, there is a form on the website to fill out. Or you can come into the studio and fill out a form. We will deliver these bags right to your door the week of Christmas.

We are looking forward to our Performing companies first opportunities to perform. Look for those coming up, and come support our dance students on the Performing Company.
January will come fast, and in January we will have our Carnival of Animals show. Let your children that plan to participate in this production practice at home so that when they get up on the stage they will be prepared.